There are many great sites on the Web, but trying to find those great sites can be a frustrating experience. We have compiled a list of websites that we have found to be helpful sources of information. When you click on a link, a new window will pop up. Close the window when you are ready to return to this page.
Money Magazine offers an online edition that is a great resource for financial information.
IRS - Affordable Care Act Tax Provisions for Employers
The Affordable Care Act, or health care law, contains benefits and responsibilities for employers.
California Employment Development Department (EDD)
The California Employment Development Department (EDD) offers a wide variety of services to millions of Californians under the Job Service, Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, Workforce Investment, and Labor Market Information programs. As California’s largest tax collection agency, EDD also handles the audit and collection of payroll taxes and maintains employment records for more than 17 million California workers.
This website offers answers to payroll questions for the employer and employee. You can also download forms and obtain important due dates and addresses.
California Franchise Tax Board (FTB)
The California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is an administrative agency of the State of California that is responsible for collecting California personal and business income taxes.
Here you can find forms, answers to questions, important due dates, and addresses at the California Franchise Tax Board site.
California Income Tax Refund Status
Income Tax Refund Status for California
California State Board of Equalization (BOE)
The Board of Equalization (BOE) collects California sales and use tax, as well as fuel, alcohol, and tobacco taxes, and fees that provide revenue for state government and essential funding for counties, cities, and special districts. The BOE sets the value of state-assessed property, administers the private railroad car and timber yield taxes, co-administers the welfare and veterans’ organization property tax exemptions, equalizes assessments of government-owned property, audits county assessors’ assessment practices, adopts property tax regulations, and prescribes property tax forms. The BOE also hears appeals from actions of the Franchise Tax Board.
Track your tax return through the IRS website.
The Official Website of the U.S. Social Security Administration.
U.S. Small Business Administration
Small business programs and services to help you start, grow, and succeed.
Complete financial news service offers personalized news and market quotes. Plus, links to Barron's Online and Smart Money Interactive.